Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wallace Berman and Richard Prince Show

This week my friend Jen and I went to the Michael Kohn gallery to see the Wallace Berman/ Richard Pince show. I was not disappointed by the Wallace Berman works. It was wonderful to see his photographs as well as collage/mixed media work in person. The one photo of a woman sitting on a chair having an orgasm was not sexy or more importantly believable. (Ay Jen) Reminiscent or of the 70's Cunt Art I guess. Oh well dumb guy thought it was a relevant female image for him to photograph. The mailers were wonderful and inspiring in their simplicity and effectiveness. I had mixed feelings about the Richard Prince work. I like tits and dicks just as much as the next person..... however his images seemed say nothing or even say nothing well. Seems the nurse theme was just a half assed thread to connect the collages but wasn't quite enough even lacking in aesthetics . I did like the sparse execution style of the collage. Who doesn't love El Caminos but printed with expensive cheep looking sticky back vinyl or what ever it was made of along with uninteresting images on it. Successful if it was a red bull promo car I guess. I did like the mailbox covered with black and white girl images. I think simply because it was fun. I guess it just goes to show almost anything can look good in black and white.
KMFT rating: worth seeing anyway... if you live or are visiting on the west side. $$
$$$$$ five dollar signs being the best show ever....
But I do the same crap..........................................
Labels: Art Show LA, Michael Kohn Gallaery, Richard Prince, Wallace Berman
Sunday, February 22, 2009
more...Ranting and

Skill vs Content or is it the Skill to Exhibit a mix.....
Current mood:
Current mood:

Humm... their are so many skilled illustrators and painters these days it starting to give me an eye ache. To many Mark Ryden wanna bees and girls with big eyes. Blah!
I'm wondering if the content is getting lost or if in the blur of the same color pallet, style, material usage, etc. I just can't decipher it all. Or has it become so homogenized that to take the time to appreciate and find the subtle differences per artist has become a chore.
It used to be a challenge to see all of the wonderful stories and skills with which the stories were told. Now instead of being challenged I'm finding it boring and not worth the effort.
I was looking at a gallery line up today (post lowbrow work mainly) if I didn't know any better I would have thought the gallery artists were one in the same. Ok, I say to myself, "so what, who says that is a bad thing". Remembering the day when I would stand with mouth hanging open at photo realistic skills or the way in which an artist rendered the lace on a collar. Why can't I feel that appreciation now? I don't want to feel numb when looking at these beautiful paintings.
Perhaps it's up to the galleries to mix it up a bit. Sure I understand artists work must hang well with each other. I just wish the old school marketing trap of having to represent all the exact same kind of art was over. With a little imagination and creativity I'm sure their are other artists out there who's art "fit" together. Without having to hop on the next big band wagon lets say "street art". *Not that I don't like some street art just an example of what is being globed on to now.
I've just started a "No Content, No Skill" series. The first piece is titled: "10 thousand conversations with myself". On display the month of March at Cactus Gallery in Eagle Rock. Come and see it. It's nothin special, ;0)
Oh well I'll keep going to the shows because just one well rounded exhibit with an eclectic line up here or there is worth the effort I guess... cheers!
note* this sentiment excludes a few wonderful eclectic gallerys I've been to. I just wish all galleries had the in site and balls to mix it up.
Ranting and Rave--ing.

Over inflated Self Importance is so destructive to us all.
Just a note:
I think true intelligence is not making someone else feel stupid if you
have the answers and they don't or pointing out your strengths only in
order to make them feel inferior. This quality is what made me fall in
love with my husband over 20 years ago. Recent unrelated experiences
have made me re visit these feelings and want to share this sentiment
with others. Also as a reminder to check my self as well!
We all know intellectually we have something to learn from every one. I
feel it's important not only knowing but realizing and respecting that in others then perhaps we can some day achieve true intelligence, peace and more importantly compassion.
Just a note: I've posted this for two days and I already want to hurl.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sexy Bear in "A Bear-y, Bear-y Good Art Show"

Susan came over and took a picture of our (Susan Weber, Walt Hall, My self) "Sexy Bear" collaboration. Look for some new "Bear-y Good Art" from us three.
Wa Hoo!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Series

I look forward in 09 to continue growing and finding different materials and new processes that interest and challenge me. Cheers!
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